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2.5-hour Performance

PERMANENTLY UNLANDED is a durational performance that evokes the artist’s memories of ceaseless house moving over the years. Luggage is the most significant element when moving from one place to another. Occasionally, you have to move somewhere else, being thrown into the unknown. Occasionally, you choose to leave somewhere else and let the unknown bring you to the next impermanent stop. Perhaps landing is never permanent when the safe home is nowhere to be found.

The performance begins with the artist riding her luggage from her newly moved apartment, Rötelstrasse 69, to Kulturfolger, where ACT Performance Festival Zurich 2024 takes place. The performance finishes once the artist arrives at Kulturfolger with riding luggage. Meanwhile, the duration of the process is filmed as a live stream on Instagram/ YouTube. The live stream is shown onsite simultaneously so the audience can see what is happening when the artist is on her way to the venue.

*Trailer of the live-streaming documentation, filmed by Peiran WANG and edited by the artist

*Full live-streaming documentation filmed by Peiran WANG, 2 hours 32 minutes 26 seconds 

Special thanks to Nin TSAI and Peiran WANG.

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